After selecting the keyword you want to go with using either Keyword Elite or the Market Samurai keyword research tool, the next step in the process is to check its competition. This is one of the most overlooked steps in the process. It is very important that you find a keyword that is labeled as a micro niche, or a very low competition keyword. Here is a great video describing what one is here:

Now that you know what a Micro Nice is, you will need to know what a low competition keyword looks like as well. Check out this video below by Anthony of Market Samurai who teaches this step very well:

By watching the above video, you should be able to tell that micro niches that are mostly "green" in the matrix and will provide you with a more accessible level of competition. Saying that, your job for today is to see if the keyword you selected meets this criteria and if it is one that you are willing to go along with.

If the keyword you selected does not meet this criteria, then keep looking. On my next post, I will write about blog creation with your selected keyword and what you need to do with your on page factors in order to increase your chances of a high ranking.

Here are some other resources as well: